Personal Computer World 2009 February
Kubuntu 8.10
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# -*- perl -*-
# Foomatic PPD file generator for manual PPD generation (via "-p",
# "-d", "-A", and "-P" command line options) or for automatic
# on-the-fly PPD generation by CUPS 1.2 or newer (via "cat" and "list"
# command line options).
use Foomatic::Defaults;
use Foomatic::DB;
use Getopt::Std;
use Data::Dumper;
#use strict;
my $debug = 0;
# Use program name as the first part of the PPD URI for CUPS (should be
# "foomatic").
$0 =~ m!/([^/]+)\s*$!;
my $progname = ($1 || $0);
# Default settings for listing PPDs by cups-driverd
# List only the PPD file with the reconmmended driver for each printer
# and do not show "(recommended)" in the CUPS web interface. This mode
# makes CUPS setup with the web interface very easy for beginners.
# This can be set by "OnlyRecommended Yes" or "OnlyRecommended No" in
# /etc/cups/foomatic.conf
my $onlyrecommended = 0;
# The Foomatic database does not only generate PPD files from Foomatic
# XML data but also of ready-made PPDs mainly from printer manufacturers
# for their PostScript printers. As these PPDs are often also linked to
# the directories in which CUPS links directly to PPD files, duplicate
# listing of these PPDs by CUPS would result. Therefore we suppress
# listing the ready-made PPDs. This behaviour can be changed by using
# "ListReadyMadePPDs Yes" or "ListReadyMadePPDs No" in
# /etc/cups/foomatic.conf
my $listreadymadeppds = 0;
help() if !@ARGV;
#my ($opt_h, $opt_d, $opt_p, $opt_A, $opt_P, $opt_w);
help() if $opt_h;
my $drv = $opt_d;
my $poid = $opt_p;
my $showall = $opt_A;
my $showmatch = $opt_P;
help() if ($#ARGV > 1) && !($poid);
if ($ARGV[0] =~ /^list$/i) {
# List all available PPD files (format for cups-driverd)
} elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /^cat$/i) {
# Generate and return the selected PPD file (cups-driverd command line)
} elsif ($showall or $showmatch) {
# List all PPD files or files matching regexp (manual operation)
} elsif ($poid) {
# Generate and return the selected PPD file (manual operation)
generateppd($poid, $drv);
} else {
sub cupslistppds {
# Read configuration in /etc/cups/foomatic.conf
my $conffilename;
if (my $cupsserverroot = $ENV{CUPS_SERVERROOT}) {
$conffilename = "$cupsserverroot/foomatic.conf";
} else {
$conffilename = "/etc/cups/foomatic.conf";
if (-r $conffilename and
open CONF, "< $conffilename") {
while (my $line = <CONF>) {
chomp $line;
if ($line =~
/^\s*OnlyRecommended\s+(Yes|On|True|1)\s*$/i) {
$onlyrecommended = 1;
} elsif ($line =~
/^\s*OnlyRecommended\s+(No|Off|False|0)\s*$/i) {
$onlyrecommended = 0;
if ($line =~
/^\s*ListReadyMadePPDs\s+(Yes|On|True|1)\s*$/i) {
$listreadymadeppds = 1;
} elsif ($line =~
/^\s*ListReadyMadePPDs\s+(No|Off|False|0)\s*$/i) {
$listreadymadeppds = 0;
close CONF;
my $db = Foomatic::DB->new();
$db->get_overview(1, 1 + listreadymadeppds);
for my $printer (@{$db->{'overview'}}) {
my $poid = $printer->{'id'};
my $make = $printer->{'make'};
my $model = $printer->{'model'};
my $recdriver = $printer->{'driver'};
my @drivers = @{$printer->{'drivers'}};
my $id = $printer->{'ieee'};
# No drivers => No PPDs
next if $#drivers < 0;
# Put the reconmmended driver to the beginning of list, as CUPS
# probably will take the first PPD which matches the printer model
my @sorteddrivers;
if (Foomatic::DB::member($recdriver, @drivers)) {
# Valid entry for the recommended driver
push(@sorteddrivers, $recdriver);
if (!$onlyrecommended) {
foreach my $driver (@drivers) {
push(@sorteddrivers, $driver) if $driver ne $recdriver;
} else {
# Invalid entry for the recommended driver
next if $onlyrecommended;
undef $recdriver;
@sorteddrivers = @drivers;
# Go through all the drivers and list the PPD entries
foreach my $driver (@sorteddrivers) {
# Get PPD header data from the PPD file generator
my ($ieee1284,$pnpmake,$pnpmodel,$filename,$longname,
$drivername,$nickname,$modelname) =
Foomatic::DB::getppdheaderdata($printer, $driver,
($onlyrecommended ? '' :
print "\"$progname:$longname\" en \"$make\" \"$nickname\" \"$ieee1284\"\n";
sub foomaticlistppds {
my ($match) = @_;
my $db = Foomatic::DB->new();
my @drivers = $db->get_driverlist();
for my $printer (@{$db->{'overview'}}) {
my $pr = $printer->{'make'};
my $model = $printer->{'model'};
my $name = "$pr $model";
my $driver = ($printer->{'driver'} || "No Default Driver");
my $dlist = "";
my $dcount = 0;
if( $printer->{'drivers'} ){
$dcount = @{$printer->{'drivers'}};
for my $d (@{$printer->{'drivers'}}) {
$dlist .= "$d ";
if (not $match or "$name" =~ m{$match}o) {
print "$name Id='$printer->{'id'}' Driver='$driver'";
if ($dcount > 1){
print " CompatibleDrivers='$dlist'";
print "\n";
sub generateppd {
my ($ppduri, $driver) = @_;
my $poid;
my $db = Foomatic::DB->new();
my $printer;
my @drivers = $db->get_driverlist();
if ($ppduri =~ /^$progname:(.*)\.ppd$/) {
# cups-driverd operation
# We try to split between printer name and driver name at all
# dashes in the PPD file name, as some drivers (ex. Gutenprint)
# have dashes in their names.
my $ppdname = $1;
my @poidcomponents = split(/-/, $ppdname);
my @drivercomponents = ();
while ($#poidcomponents > 1) {
unshift(@drivercomponents, pop(@poidcomponents));
$driver = join('-', @drivercomponents);
next if !Foomatic::DB::member($driver, @drivers);
$poid = join('-', @poidcomponents);
die "ERROR: Could not determine driver name for $ppdname.ppd!\n"
if( !$poid );
} else {
# manual operation
$poid = $ppduri;
# If the user supplies an old numerical printer ID, translate it to
# a new clear-text ID
$poid = Foomatic::DB::translate_printer_id($poid);
my $lcname = lc( $poid );
my $pentry;
for $printer (@{$db->{'overview'}}) {
my $name = lc( $printer->{'id'} );
print STDERR "DEBUG2: $progname: compare '$lcname' to '$name'\n" if $debug;
if( $name eq $lcname ){
$pentry = $printer;
die "ERROR: Printer '$poid' not found!\n" if( not defined $pentry );
print STDERR "DEBUG: $progname: Found $pentry->{id}\nDEBUG2: $progname: " .
join ("\nDEBUG2: $progname: ", split(/\n/, Dumper($pentry))) .
"\n" if $debug;
if (!$driver || ($driver =~ /(default|recommended)/i)) {
$driver = $pentry->{'driver'};
if( not defined( $driver ) ){
die "ERROR: $progname: Printer '$poid' does not have default driver!\n";
my $found = 0;
for my $d (@{$pentry->{'drivers'}}) {
last if ($found = ($driver eq $d));
if ( not $found ) {
warn "ERROR: $progname: Printer '$poid' and driver '$driver' are not compatible\n";
$found = 0;
for my $d (@drivers) {
last if ($found = ($driver eq $d));
if ( not $found ) {
die "ERROR: $progname: Driver '$driver' not in database!\n";
# Get all the data about this driver/printer pair
my $possible = $db->getdat($driver, $poid);
# Stop if the printer is not supported by the given driver
die "ERROR: $progname: That printer and driver combination is not possible.\n"
if (!$possible);
# Stop if the driver entry has an empty command line prototype or if there
# is no custom PPD file
die "ERROR: $progname: There is neither a custom PPD file nor the driver database entry contains sufficient data to build a PPD file.\n"
if (!$db->{'dat'}{'cmd'}) && (!$db->{'dat'}{'ppdfile'});
my @data;
@data = $db->getppd($opt_w);
die "ERROR: $progname: No PPD file for printer '$poid' and driver '$driver'!\n"
if not @data;
print @data;
sub help {
print <<HELP;
$progname -A
$progname -P <regexpr>
$progname -p <printerid> [-d <driver>] [-w]
$progname list
$progname cat <CUPS PPD URI> [-w]
$progname -h
-A : show all Printer ID's and compatible drivers
-P <regexpr> : show all Printer ID's whose names and model
matched by the RE. For example:
-P HP will match all names with HP in them
-p <printerid> : Printer ID
-d <driver> : Driver name
If the driver is not specified then the default driver
for the <printerid> is used.
list : List all possible PPDs in the format needed by the
cat <CUPS PPD URI> : Generate PPD file appropriate to the <CUPS PPD URI>.
Available CUPS PPD URIs are listed by
"$progname list".
-w : Generate PPD which is compatible with the CUPS PostScript
driver for Windows (GUI strings are limited to 39
-h : show help information
exit 1;